Today's lowest temperature recorded in Sreemangal

Sreemangal in Moulvibazar has endured moment's smallest temperature at9.7 degrees Celsius, indicating a mild cold surge impacting several regions across Bangladesh. 

The Bangladesh Meteorological Department( BMD) anticipates this cold surge to persist. 

The rainfall bulletin stressed the differing temperatures across the country, with Sreemangal witnessing the smallest, while Cox's Bazar reported the loftiest at24.5 degrees Celsius. 

 According to meteorological norms, temperatures ranging from 8 to 10 degrees Celsius signify a mild cold surge, 6 to 8 degrees Celsius a moderate one, and below 6 degrees Celsius a severe cold surge. 


 also, moderate to thick fog is anticipated to envelop the country from night to morning, conceivably extending until noon in some areas. This foggy condition is likely to disrupt air navigation, inland swash transport, and road communication temporarily. 


 The rainfall cast suggests dry conditions with temporary incompletely cloudy skies across the country, with no significant change in night and day temperatures anticipated. 


 The cold surge's impact is palpable among the crowd, with Dhaka residents and others feeling downtime's bite more acutely in recent days. 


 The northern regions are passing indeed harsher conditions, where the violent cold wave has significantly hampered diurnal conditioning. Vulnerable groups, particularly day sloggers, children, and the senior, are the most affected by the severe cold wave. 


 In summary, Bangladesh is presently facing a grueling downtime, with lower temperatures affecting diurnal life and transportation across colorful regions. 

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