Google: Smartphones can now read doctors bad handwriting, Google is bringing a new feature

 Google plans to use Google Lens to decode doctors' bad handwriting.

Google recently announced several new features and products at its biggest event in India, Google for India 2022. Google said, very soon they are bringing a feature, with the help of which the bad handwriting of doctors can be read through smartphones. The tech giant said it is working on new technology to decode doctors' handwriting and will launch it soon.

How does Google's new feature work?

According to reports, the company plans to use Google Lens to decode doctors' bad handwriting. That is, you just need to take a picture of the doctor's prescription from the smartphone or scan it and Google Lens will display it in front of the user in clear language. Not only that, but you can also share the text.

In that case, Google's new feature will do something like Google Translate, where a photo of a word can be captured and translated specifically by scanning with Google. Alternatively, your phone's voice will be useful for translation. However, this feature is yet to be fixed.

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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous January 4, 2023 at 6:35 AM


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