How to transfer domain ownership namecheap.

in this post i'm going to show you how to transfer domain ownership to another namecheap user so we're going to start..

from the namecheap dashboard and you want to go ahead and look for the domain that you want to go ahead and transfer. 

So i have quite a few of them so i'm just going to go ahead and click on one and you want to click you want to find. 

the one that you are going to transfer out and click the manage button next to it

and then you want to click on the sharing and transfer menu at the top. And here is the menu that we're going to be looking at and we're going to be looking under the change ownership here in the middle and what you're going to need to do is you're going to need to either ask the

👉new user's username or namecheap or the email address that they've used for the

namecheap account now they don't necessarily have to have a namecheap account right now if they don't have a namecheap account it's going to send them an email address it's going to send them an email from the email address. 

that you've put in there and it's going to ask them to create an account and then it's going to associate. 

that domain with that new account so just need to put in right here under new owner you'll need to put in either their username that they're using on namecheap or their email address and then click the change button i'm not actually going

to do that here on my account but put in their username or email address and hit change and it's going to send them the confirmation and once they get that the domain you ownership will go ahead and be transferred over to them so i hope.

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